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Behavioral Health

Crisis Resources

  1. Hotline triangle
  2. Safety plan template


  1. ADHD fact sheets (CHADD)


  1.  Slow down and THINK
  2.  Anger iceberg
  3.  Assertive communication
  4.  Chart of feelings


  1.  Break the anxiety cycle with CBT
  2.  How do deal with negative thoughts?
  3.  Challenging negative thoughts
  4.  Socratic questioning
  5.  Grounding techniques
  6. Things I worry about
  7.  Chart of feelings
  8. Behavioral activation for depression
  9. Strategies for skin-picking


  1. Affective Reactivity Index parent report
  2. Affective Reactivity Index teen report
  3. ASRS-O
  4. Consensus Sleep Diary
  5. General anxiety disorder Scale (GAD-7)
  6. MFQ child self-report short
  7. MFQ parent report on child short
  8. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
  9. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) – Teens
  10. Preschool PSC
  11. PSC Pediatric Symptom Checklist
  12. SCARED Child
  13. SCARED Parent
  14. Springboard Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist
  15. Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale (Self-Report)
  16. Wender Utah Rating Scale for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  17. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Initial Parent Form
  18. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Initial Teacher Form
  19. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Follow-up Parent Form
  20. Vanderbilt ADHD Assessment – Follow-up Teacher Form
  21. Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive scale and symptom checklist
  22. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Screening


Eating Disorders

  1. F.E.A.S.T. Support and Education Community
  2. Caregivers Do’s and Don’ts
  3. Monte Nido & Affiliates | Parent/Caregiver Support Group, Tuesdays 6-7pm EST
  4. FREE Online Group for Family and Friends
  5. NEDA Parent Toolkit



  1. Controlled Medication Agreement (for ages 13+)
  2. Stimulant agreement
  3. Psychiatric disability and work leave


  1.  Art of being present
  2. Twelve essential rules to live more like a Zen monk
  3.  Mind full or mindful?


  1. Consensus Sleep Diary
  2.  Free Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia, CBTi
  3. Sleep hygiene
  4. Improving sleep

Stress Management

  1.  Self care
  2.  Stress management during COVID-19
  3.  Mental health wellness during a quarantine
  4. Seven tips for how to cope when things feel out of control

Other Resources

  1. Counseling resources
  2. Katie Beckett application process guide