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Ambulatory Surgery Center

CertAccedLogos2.0-01_ACCREDStay healthy and keep doing what you love.

InterMed’s Ambulatory Surgical Center (InterMed ASC) offers patients high quality, efficient outpatient surgical care in a convenient and comfortable setting.


InterMed’s ASC medical staff is comprised of skilled surgeons from throughout the Greater Portland community and reliable anesthesia care providers (doctors and nurse anesthetists) who are focused on exceptional patient care. They are supported by clinical team members specially trained in providing patient care in the ambulatory setting including nurses, surgical technologists,  perioperative technicians and sterile processing technicians.


The ASC features two operating suites and pre/postoperative care areas at 84 Marginal Way on the 10th Floor. 


Contact the Surgery Center

Phone: (207) 347-2898
Fax: (207) 523-8579

Our Location

Normal business hours are:


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 6:30 am – 4:30 pm

Thursday: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm



84 Marginal Way

Portland, ME 04101


Phone: (207) 347-2898



What type of procedures are performed at the InterMed ASC?

Our surgeons perform procedures in the following specialties that are deemed appropriate for an outpatient setting:

  • Gynecology

  • Orthopedics

  • Podiatry

  • Urology

  • Ear, Nose and Throat

  • General Surgery

  • Interventional Pain

What can a patient expect when planning for Ambulatory Surgery at the InterMed ASC?

Before surgery:

  • You will complete a preoperative interview through an online questionnaire and/or a phone call by an ASC registered nurse.

  • Written preoperative instructions are provided to you via email, mail or at the completion of the online questionnaire.

  • Our scheduling team will call you prior to surgery to confirm arrival time and to answer any questions.

  • You will receive a written cost estimate for your surgery from our billing team.

  • You won't be able to drive yourself home after surgery, so please be sure to make arrangements to get home safely after your discharge.

On the day of surgery:

  • Upon arrival to the InterMed ASC surgery waiting area, our staff will review your registration data and ask for a photo ID and current insurance card.

  • You will meet your care team including the anesthesiologist who will be providing your anesthesia care. 

  • Your support person may accompany you during the preoperative phase of your encounter and will rejoin you in the postoperative area once you are awake after surgery.

During surgery:

  • You will be taken to the operating room and helped onto the operating room table, where your surgery will be performed.

  • The operating room team - including your surgeon, anesthesia provider, circulating nurse, surgical technologist and sometimes a first assistant - will monitor you throughout the procedure.

After surgery:

  • You will be discharged from the ASC once you are awake and alert and your surgeon and anesthesiologist deem it safe for you to complete your recovery at home. 

  • The registered nurse will review written instructions with you, including who to contact with questions following your surgery.

  • A registered nurse will follow up with you via phone the next business day following your surgery.

Join the InterMed Family

InterMed has physicians and providers for the entire family. From the newest newborn to grandma and grandpa, find a physician or a provider you can trust with your family.