Measles Outbreak: Immunity and Vaccine Guidance
The current measles outbreak which started in a localized area of Texas has raised concerns about a wider outbreak. Many patients have contacted us with concerns about their own immunity and how best to be protected against this highly contagious virus. We appreciate your questions and are fully invested in the science behind disease prevention.
Most of our adult patients are fully immune to measles and no further action is needed on their part. A small number of our adult patients may need an additional booster of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).
We recommend the following:
You DO need another dose of the measles vaccine if you...
You DO need another dose of measles vaccine if you:
Are a healthcare worker and you do not have laboratory evidence of immunity OR documentation or previous infection with measles OR documentation of TWO doses of MMR; this is true even if you were born before 1957
Live with someone with a compromised immune system AND you have not had 2 doses of MMR or laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
Have HIV WITHOUT severe immunosuppression AND you have not had 2 doses of MMR or laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
Know that you received the killed measles vaccine from 1963 to 1967 during childhood (if you later had the MMR vaccine or have laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles then this does not apply)
Are traveling internationally AND you have not had 2 doses of MMR or laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
Are traveling to an area of the US known to have a current measles outbreak and you have not had 2 doses of MMR or laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
You MAY need another dose of the measles vaccine if you...
Received only 1 dose of MMR; this does not apply if you have laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
Received one or more doses of an unknown measles vaccine type AND do not have laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation or previous infection with measles
Were born before 1957 AND do not have laboratory evidence of immunity or documentation of previous infection with measles, have not received 2 doses of MMR AND you plan to travel to an outbreak area in the US or you plan to travel internationally
You DO NOT need another dose of the measles vaccine if you…
You do NOT need another dose of measles vaccine if you have had:
2 doses of MMR Vaccine
Laboratory evidence of immunity (antibody titers)
Documented evidence of previous infection with measles
Born before 1957 (this may not apply if you are a healthcare worker; see below)