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Immigration Exams

Become an InterMed patient today!

wired-outline-1228-medical-fileInterMed has guided patients through Immigration Medical Exams for more than 20 years.

We specialize in completing form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).


Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible. Please let us know if you have any special requests. If you have more than one person that needs an exam, let us know so we can schedule back-to-back appointments.

What to bring to your exam?

  • Past vaccine records
  • A government-issued photo ID
  • Please let us know if an interpreter is needed

What should I expect during an exam?

The total time spent in the office is about one hour. You’ll complete the first page of the I-693 form, then we will take your blood pressure and pulse, review your medical history and perform an exam. We will determine which vaccines and laboratory tests are needed. Typically these vaccines and tests will be done on the same day of your visit. You will not need to return to our office unless one of the laboratory tests shows you need further testing or a vaccine. The influenza vaccine is required for everyone from Sept 1st through March 31st so you can get that with an outside provider prior to your appointment. Please do not try to complete any other vaccines prior to your exam as they vary with age. You will be told what vaccines are needed after a review of your records. Any vaccines that are needed can be administered during your visit or with your primary doctor. Laboratory tests for Tuberculosis and Syphilis and chest X-rays for Tuberculosis need to be done in our office to be able to be submitted to USCIS, do not get those with your regular doctor.

How much does it cost?

A full Immigration Medical Exam (not including vaccines or laboratory tests), performed by a civil surgeon, and paperwork processing typically costs $200. Most people do need updated vaccines or laboratory tests and if you do, it will add to the cost of the exam. If you are a refugee or have already had your Immigration Medical Exam done in another country, you will likely only need the vaccine supplement form filled out which costs $130, plus the cost of any vaccines needed. Payment is accepted by cash or credit card.

How do I get my forms?

You may pick up your completed form at our office or we will mail it to you. When you get your forms you will find a yellow envelope. You may open the yellow envelope. Inside it you will find a white envelope and a copy of the I-693 form. Do not open the white envelope. That should go to USCIS or your lawyer.


Our Locations

Normal business hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We can see you even if you live in a variety of states, including Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island or New York.



84 Marginal Way, Suite 700
Portland, ME 04101



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