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Our fax lines are currently down, and we are unable to receive faxes for records and prescriptions. We are actively working to resolve the issue and appreciate your patience.

Community Support Group

Application Instructions

If your organization, program or event is eligible, please fill out the application form. Scan it along with your IRS determination letter and other attachments and email them to If your request is for an event sponsorship, also include event materials and details on sponsorship tiers, benefits and budget. We are unable to accept applications through the mail or by fax.

Dr. Patch being dunked in a dunk tank outside on a grey day.
Smiling photos of staff at the Portland pride parade.
Group shot of InterMed staff.

Greater Portland is rich with efforts that serve our neighbors.

InterMed’s roots in Greater Portland run deep and we support the community we serve. Our charitable giving program supports programs and events that benefit residents of Greater Portland and align with our mission and values as the area’s premier healthcare organization.


Our charitable donations and sponsorships are focused on IRS-recognized non-profit organizations whose activities and
programs are:

  • Related to healthcare


  • Provide services and/or goods that enhance social determinants of health



  • Have demonstrated actual or potential meaningful impact for the residents of

  • Greater Portland

While there are many worthwhile causes that benefit the residents of our community, we are
unable to support all of them. We are not able to fund:

  • Specific individuals or families (including GoFundMe or similar campaigns)

  • Programs that do not directly serve residents of Greater Portland

  • Political candidates/organizations

  • Government entities

  • Religious organizations

  • For-profit organizations

  • Organizations that are not IRS-recognized and registered, tax-exempt charities in

  • good standing

  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, color,

  • religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, veteran status,

  • disability or other characteristics protected by law.

All contributions are made at the sole discretion of InterMed, P.A.

Due to the large number of requests, we are unable to provide funding to all applicants, including some that meet the application criteria.